Thursday, October 8, 2009

Thursday swim

Since I'm planning on riding tomorrow at 7:00, I decided to swim again today. Since Master's in on Mondays and Wednesdays, I could get there a little bit later (since Kurt ws home) and do what I wanted. I decided to swim non-stop for 45 mins and ended up going 50 mins.

It was nice and I felt like I could've swam longer when I was done. I was happy that I swam an extra 5 mins too. I just didn't want to get out. But I swam slow and totally focused on my left arm so I probably didn't cover a lot of distance. Didn't keep track of laps so I have no idea how many yards I swam but I only stopped once to use the restroom so I think I did close to a mile.

I wish I could improve my technique. It's one thing to know what to do and another to actually do it. I am trying to change the pattern of my left arm in the water - the pushing back motion. Richard has told me numerous times that I'm not reaching enough and that I'm going too wide under water with my left arm. He says to bring the palm of my hand toward my belly button but for some reason, I can't seem to do it. But for the entire 50 mins, I focused on my left arm and seemed to do a bit better.

I still feel that I'm not a strong swimmer and wonder if i can swim 2.4 miles. The only thing that gets me through it is reminding myself that I have done the 5430 long course twice (1.2 miles of swimming) and I didn't have any problems going that far. So, I think I should be able to swim that distance twice in a race setting, when I'm all psyched up. I just hope I'm right.

The bike and run portion are seeming easier and easier. I'm very happy with my running right now. I'm semi-happy with my biking - I have good endurance and lots of experience on the bike but wish I was as fast as Marshall and Lynne are. I cannot keep up with them on training rides and it bothers me sometimes but there's nothing I can do about it at this point.

We'll see how it goes tomorrow on the 6 hr ride! We're supposed to get an inch of snow overnight so it will be interesting!

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