Sunday, October 11, 2009

I can't get sick, I can't get sick, I WON'T GET SICK

This has been my mantra for the last week as I've taken care of my son, who undoubtedly hhad H1N1 (or something bad enough to keep him out of school for 4 days).

Although my throat has been sore and I've felt achey all over, I've pretty much ignored those feelings and kept going. After all, I had "the big training weekend" coming up (which turned into a Fri/Sat deal, see below).

But I'm not sure I can ignore it any more. I feel like crap. Sore throat, headache, achey- feeling all over, total lack of energy. I've overcome countless colds before but this time, it doesn't feel like "just a cold",it's much worse. Ugh.

At this point, I think I could get myself through the bike and run of the IM. But I'm not prepared for the swim and I know I sound like a broken record here but I really need the swim training in the next 3 weeks to get ready! I CAN'T GET SICK!!!

I'm planning to make it to Master's swim in the morning, even if I only do half the workout. I jsut need to get there. Wish me luck because I really need it this time.

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