Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The other side of IM training

Up until now I've written mostly about my training. I have not written about the impact it has had on other areas of my life. Since I'm writing this "diary" for anyone who wants to know what it's like training for this event, I feel the need to share the other side of it as well.

The not so fun side of things.

That would be how crazy it makes your life. Right now I am feeling overwhelmed, ineffective, unorganized, and unprepared to teach my classes. I am an adjunct instructor at UNC and I'm teaching two classes, one of which is brand new and I am creating completely from scratch. Therein lies the problem.

It is taking way more time to prep for this class than I had anticipated. It is 9:00 PM Monday night and my class is on Tuesday and I am just now putting my class together for tomorrow. I have a lot of work to do yet and I am very tired. My house is dirty, my yard needs raking and mowing, our breezeway is absolutely filthy, I have cards to write and mail to people, endless emails to answer, and laundry to do. This is what happens when you're spending up to 20 hrs/week on training.

This afternoon I spent creating a new assignment for my class and discussion board questions. I have yet to grade an assignment they turned in and grade their discussion questions from last week. I have to create a 50 minute lecture for tomorrow on a complicated topic and develop a dietary analysis project.

Both of my kids are having lots of homework. I spent 3 hrs with them tonight on their homework and reading logs, made dinner, cleaned the kitchen, zipped down to our church for a 45 min meeting, and because Kurt just got home (and missed all of this fun), he is putting them in bed while I finally exhale.

I'd love to get up early tomorrow and grade papers and get ready for class. But I have to swim and I'd like to ride my bike too. Its the same question I have all the time: what is the minimum amt of training I can do to be ready for this IM and get my classwork done too.

I'm tired and stressed. I'm tired of a messy house and sandwiches for dinner. I'm tired of walking past messy counters so that I can get my work done or my training in. I want some organization and control back in my life.

So, that's the life of an Ironman-wanna-be...at least one with kids and a job. Marshall works full-time and he's busy too. People say to me "I don't know how you do it" and well, I don't! I don't get a lot of things done that need to be done and right now it's weighing heavy on me.

Two more weeks and I'll have my life back.


Unknown said...

On the other hand, the satisfaction you get from completing an Ironman will, I'm guessing, be a tad higher than having a clean kitchen counter.

Cindy Dallow, PhD, RD said...

Thanks, Dan, and you're right!