Monday, October 12, 2009

Power of the pool

I went to bed last night feeling really lousy and woke up feeling even more lousy. And it was worse than the usual ickiness of a cold - it was my entire chest (and throat) that hurt. I thought I would just try to swim but do only half the workout. But I was in for a big surprise.

After only 5 mins of swimming, I felt totally back to normal. I can't explain what happened...I went in feeling like crap and came out feeling fine! I had such a good swim that I didn't want to get out - I felt like I hadn't gotten enough of a workout when it was time to leave (which was essentially true since I didn't finish the workout Richard had for us - had to leave to get kids to school).

Now, an hour later, I still feel somewhat "flu-ish" but not nearly as bad as I did. I wonder what it was about the pool....or swimming...that made me feel better. Maybe it was the 2 extra strength Tylenol or maybe my immune system is stronger than I thought. Either way, I'll take it!

I worked on technique today. Richard tells me that my left arm "swings wide" and that I don't reach far enough with it so I worked on that. Also, my butt and legs tend to sink so I kept thinking about pushing my chest down to get my butt back up - very hard to do! And the third thing I thought about was hip rotation. Nancy said I need to rotate a lot more. So much to think about! No wonder I like running better - it's just left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot.

Off to class and more Tylenol!


Unknown said...

Good tips, but I'm not sure I'd focus too much on all that during your 2.4-mile swim. Just relax.

And that is EXACTLY how you will feel when you get out of the water and ready for the bike ride of your life! :)

Cindy Dallow, PhD, RD said...

Thanks, Dan, and no I don't want to be focusing on technique while I'm in the IM! Only just a few tips that keep me going the right way.

And I've been thinking about what you said about doing something to get rid of these negative thoughts...or rather, ways to handle them better. Lately they've really done a number on my head!