Sunday, August 23, 2009

What a weekend!

Had a GREAT weekend! First, the kids did their 2nd triathlon at Pelican Lakes Ranch (PLR). There were about 100 kids there (30 more than last year) and they competed in the 7/8 age group. Both kids finished and did great.

Although I don't care how fast they go or where they place, I was pleasantly surprised to see how well they did. Katerina was first out of the pool in her wave and despite losing a lot of time at T1 due to too-tight shoelaces and the girls in her wave starting on the bike before her, she passed them all on the bike. But they got her on the run and that's ok. I'm just glad she did it.

Evan did great too. He has really good running form as you can see in these pictures. He had a lot of fun and kept talking about it. Kurt provided medical care but fortunately no one needed it.

As for me, I did a 2 hr training run from the race site. I had no idea where to run so I just headed down the open road leading to PLR. There are no trees out there so I was in the sun the whole time. I ran a north loop for one hour and then a south loop for one hour. But the highlite of the run was the HUGE bull snake I met on my way to the port-a-potty!

Yep, I was just running along, listening to my Ipod and there he was...curled up in the road, hissing at me. I screamed and leaped into the air! I was really scared! I first looked to see if he had a rattle and thank God he didn't, but was a BIG snake and scary-looking!

The last part of the run was very hard. My legs were really hurting and I was very hot and tired. I kept thinking "how in the world can I do this IM when I can't even run 2 hrs without hurting so much?" By the time I got back, I was toast.

But, the really good news is that today I rode 3 hrs and felt fantastic. I have not felt that good in a long time. I had lots of energy and my legs were not that tired. I could tell I was a little sore but it wasn't bad at all. We had a fun group of people - Marshall, Lynne, Sarah, Brenda, John, and a new guy named Doug. It seemed like everyone was feeling good because we kept a good pace the entire way. I will remember today's ride as one of my all-time favorite training rides! (See picture above of all of us at a pit-stop).
And...I'm writing this at 9:00 PM and I have never felt this good after a long ride (AND a long run) before. Usually, after a long run/ride weekend, I can hardly walk....but today was the first day that I felt fine. I'm a little sore and I wouldn't want to run or ride tomorrow but I have a lot more energy and my legs don't hurt so much. I can really feel a training effect! YAY!

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