Thursday, August 20, 2009


Today the plan called for a 30-min run and I had to do a double-take when I saw that....only 30 minutes??? Really??? And guess what? I only got in 20! That's because I made the mistake of running with Daisy.

Daisy just can't go very long and I don't know why. She stops every 50 yards or so and just spreads out on the grass. She won't budge for nothin'. On the way home, she stopped THREE times in our front yard! Just walking from the street to our door she had to stopped, sprawl out, and pant like crazy.

By the time we got back I ran out of time, so my run was cut short to a mere 20 - 25 minutes. Oh well. I don't think it will matter much, really.

And the other news is that I seem to have acquired a rotator cuff injury to my left shoulder. It hurt like heck yesterday so I ice'd it and took Celebrex. Kurt told me to take a week off of swimming...which made me panic, at first. I'm on a roll with swimming and it's the one area that I need the most improvement...and week off??? But after talking with Marshall, I feel better. I think it will be ok.

So tomorrow I hope to be able to ride (although I have NO idea when I can do that - I have a really busy day) and then run 2 hrs on Saturday and 3 hrs on the bike on Sunday. Yippee!

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