Monday, August 24, 2009

Shoulder is healing

Kurt and I got down to the pool by 6:05 AM today! I was anxious to swim since I had taken Friday off due to shoulder pain. I swam slow and took several breaks (and kicked instead) and it seemed to feel pretty good. I could feel a slight "twinge" but no real pain. I think if I keep it slow and easy, I will be ok.

I decided to sign up for Master's. I really need the coaching and group support. I'll just do whatever I can and call it good. Richard is so good about it and he said he might be able to modify things for me and Marshall, which would be great.

So, tomorrow I run....on Weds I hope to swim at the on Thursday...and run my long run on Friday morning since I'm doing Wild on Windsor on Sunday and I want to have semi-fresh legs.

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