Friday, August 7, 2009

Tapering down...

Sunday is the big day....well, not THE big day (that's November 7th), but "Big Day #2". It's the day of the Boulder 5430 long course triathlon (aka, half-IM which is 70.3 long painful miles). I'm feeling fairly ready for it but not ready to get up at 3:00 AM to get there.

So, what did I do the last few days? Wednesday I took my kids to RMNP and hiked a whopping 3.2 miles (training plan? what training plan?). Actually it was a lot of fun and totally worth it.

Thursday I left way too late for a bike ride and ended up riding for a mere 45 mins. Not good. I should've rode 1.5 hrs. Bad weather came in so I high-tailed it down to the Greeley Rec Center and swam for 40 mins. Tom M. was there and he gave me some really good pointers on my form and I practiced those over and over. Thanks, Tom!

Today I ran with Daisy for 3 miles and then on my own for another two. Watched the sun come up and just cruised listening to my favorite tunes. Felt really good. Tomorrow I'll take off and then Sunday, well, I'll attempt to propel my body over 70.3 miles and see how it goes. My only goal is beat last year's time (and I don't recall what that was...will have to look it up).

More on Sunday after the race!

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