Saturday, August 22, 2009

FAC Bike Ride

Yesterday afternoon I was feeling very stressed about a lot of things. I couldn't concentrate on the pile of work I had to get done. The kids were in school and it was a beautiful day outside. And to top it off, I hadn't gotten any exercise in because of my shoulder (taking time off from swimming to allow it to heal) so I REALLY wanted to do something physical.

Out the door I went on my bike. I was supposed to have ridden for an hour on Weds but didn't do it because I felt i was still recovering from the long course. Today I was just itchin' to go!

I rode for an hour and 15 mins and kept the pace slow and steady. I knew I had a big training weekend coming up and didn't want to be sore. It felt really good and I think my head needed it more than anything.

Today - Saturday AM - my kids are doing the PLR triathlon! I have to run 2 hrs so Kurt is dropping me off halfway there (around 7:30'ish) and I'll run until 9:30 or 10:oo, depending on what time he drops me off. It will be kind of odd running in an area I'm not familiar with - I have no idea where to go! It's out in the country so I guess I'll just be running down country roads.

Then tomorrow I have a 50 mile bike ride planned with a group of friends - can't wait for that! I love group rides on the weekends. A good weekend all in all.

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