Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sleepy lifeguard

Kurt and I got up at 5:15 this morning to make it to the pool by 6:00. We wanted to leave by 7:00 so needed to start a little earlier. It was really hard getting out of bed and I almost didn't.

So, we drive down there and get there right about 6:00. But the lifeguard hadn't shown up yet so there were several other swimmers hanging out in the lobby and a few more in the locker room. We waited and waited while the Rec Center called someone else in.

Finally got in the water at 6:30 - bummer! We had to leave by 7:00 at the latest so we only got in 30 mins of swimming. I hope it doesn't happen again.

Lifted today and had planned to ride for an hour this afternoon but storm clouds came in and it was thundering so I decided to wait until tomorrow, which was fine because i really didn't feel like riding anyway.

Gotta keep on truckin!

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