Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Another Celebrex day

Today the Gail Bernhardt IM training plan called for an hour of swimming and an hour of running. Did the swim yesterday (although it wasn't a full hour) and managed to eek out an hour of running today. Legs are still sore from 5430 long course and long run/ride over the weekend so it was a tough run. In fact, I was going to stop after 35 mins but told myself to "run through the pain" as Marshall taught me awhile back (thanks, Marshall!) and finished the run.

I think the plan would be going well if I weren't recovering from the long course. But the long course was such a good experience that it was well worth it. I might just back off some of the training this week to let myself fully recover. I can hardly walk today and my shoulders are so sore from swimming a mile yesterday! I don't think it will hurt anything to take a day off tomorrow...will see how I feel in the AM.

UNC starts next Monday and I'm teaching two classes. Soccer for Katerina starts today and choir for both kids starts in two weeks. A church committee I'm on is heating up with an intense 6-week plan to get our congregation ready for a new pastor. And I'm President of the Colorado Chapter of FRUA (Families for Russian and Ukrainian Adoption) and we have the busiest time of year in the fall. Yay. Can't wait. Someone let me know when it's all over, ok?

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