Monday, January 18, 2010

Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda

It's not nice to should on yourself but that's what I did this morning. I went to Master's swim and swam about half the workout and I shoulda done the whole thing!

It was actually a great workout and I felt pretty good (except for a pulled muscle in my left shoulder). But I made the mistake of sharing a lane with Marsha, who is one of the nicest people I know but who is also one of the fastest swimmers I know. She blew me away.

Normally, I don't let it bother me that I am undoubtedly the slowest swimmer in our Master's swim program. I just use my fins or pull bouy to shorten the gap between me and the rest of the group but today I was so far behind I gave up and just did half the workout.

I wasn't upset and I don't take it personally. I just didn't finish the workout. Instead, I chatted with Marsha during the kick set and then with Sarah while she pool-ran and I hung onto my pull buoy. You would've thought practice was over the way I was acting!

Why I can push myself beyond the point of no return when I run or ride my bike but when it comes to swimming, I bail the first chance I get. Hmmmm....

I shoulda swam harder, I coulda swam longer, I woulda done the whole workout if I were more focused...but its not nice to should on yourself, you know!


WildWill said...

Hi Cindy

Thanks for your comment on my Blog, I was supposed to do Florida a few years ago but a snow boarding accident saw an end to that ... i've done Germany and Switzerland since then ... I have quite a few Spinerval DVDs and a few RPM spinning ones to use when i can't get out. (Cycling is my weakest discipline) ...

... How are you finding the Masters swimming> ... I went to a Masters group when training for my first IM but found it to focused on short intervals

Cindy Dallow, PhD, RD said...

Hi WildWill,
Master's has been very helpful as it forces me to get to the pool and work harder than I ever would do on my own. But, you're right that it tends to focus mostly on short intervals. I think that's actually good for improving speed and I definitely need that. But I modify the workouts to meet my needs by not going so fast and working more on technique (swimming is my weakest sport) and then I swim long on Friday during the training season. So, for now, I am only swimming two days a week but when I start IM training, I'll add the third day where I swim non-stop at race pace (or slightly under) for 45 - 60 mins. I'm not as motivated to swim as I am to ride and run so I need the group support and well, the coach crackin' the whip!

Wow, Germany and Switzerland...I'd love to do one of those someday. Florida was nice - the bike and run are flat and I loved swimming in the ocean! Arizona is supposed to have a prettier bike and run course but the swim is in a lake, which is ok but not exciting. Can't have a perfect race, I guess!