Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Switcheroo Workout

Today is Weds and that means Master's swim practice at 6:15 AM. And where was I???  On my trainer in my basement (at least I was out of bed!).

I had to switch my workouts around for a number of kid-related reasons. And that's what you do when you're a parent training for an IM....or when your alarm clock has mal-functioned for the SECOND TIME (see Monday's post).

So, I did Troy Jacobson's Aerobic Endurance DVD again (the one I mentioned last week). I think it's #28. This time I wasn't as pumped up as I was last week. I wasn't feel bad, just a little groggy. My mind couldn't stay focused on the workout and I kept forgetting which rep we were on (8 x 1 minute reps with 30 seconds rest, then 12 x 45-second reps with 15 seconds rest - too many numbers for my not-quite-awake brain). Its a good thing Troy tells you what to do or I'd probably still be on my bike spinning away.

But that's the beauty of these kind of workouts - they tell you EXACTLY what to do. No need to plan or think or...well, think. Just do it (haven't I heard that somewhere before?).

I like this DVD because the sprints are fairly short (1 minute, then 45 seconds, then 30 seconds). At first you think its too easy but after 12 of them you don't think they're so easy.

I did notice that after the 12th sprint, I was not as tired as I was last week. I could've done more but like last week, I needed to get the kids to school so had to abort the workout after 12 reps. But its nice to know that I could've actually done more (and I was tempted to go run after dropping the kids off but realized that was I should save that energy for tomorrow).

So tomorrow I'll be at the pool, all by my lonely self...

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