Saturday, January 23, 2010


So I ran 9 slow miles with my buddies this morning and I'm like, well....sore.  Yeah.... sore. REALLY sore. Why is that??? Or as they say on Facebook: WTF???

Why is it that I've been running consistently for 25 yrs now (seriously) with a long run almost every single weekend over that time, 12 marathons, one Ironman, numerous triathlons, and I'm sore after running a measly little 9 miles.

Is this a natural consequence of aging or is it the price I pay for sittin' on my butt for the last two days?  Don't answer that.

So, I took some Celebrex and that helps, but I have a ton of housework to do and my body hurts all over.  Maybe it's the Hannah Montana music in the background that is putting me in a bad mood (I have two 8 yr olds at home, you know).

Yes, I'm glad that I ran and I had fun with my friends (see above). But gosh darn it, can't I run a long run without it feeling like I just climbed Capital Peak all over again?  And if I'm this sore after 9 measly miles, how the heck am I going to propel my body over 140.6 miles again?

Yes, I AM whining!  Its my party and I'll....oh, just turned on the TV...seeing pictures of  Haiti...ok, I'll shut up. Case closed.  Off to do more housework....

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