Monday, January 4, 2010

One More Week...

....until Master's swim starts again!  One more week to relax in the water and do what I want to do. But one more week of boring swim workouts with no one to prod me along!

Made it to the pool this AM by 6:25. Jim, Tom, Marsha, Sarah, and Natalie were there (and a few other people I didn't know). Not bad for an off-week!

I swam about 30 mins but some of it was spent chatting with Sarah while we "walked" down the pool lanes (me with fins on and she with a jogging belt on). But the rest was spent doing plain ol' laps.

I can run or ride by myself, without anyone pushing me but much as I enjoy it now, I still need someone to crack the whip! 

For one thing, I get so gosh darn bored. And I don't know what I should do....or how to do any drills. That's one thing I wish Richard would do more of, is show us newbies how to do drills (yes, I still consider myself a newbie!  Compared to the other swimmers, I am).

I wanted to bike when I got home but had to take the car out to Honda to get new tires...then the day got away from me. Oh well, glad I got the measley swim in!

Tomorrow I run - yay!

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