Thursday, January 14, 2010

U Go Girl

The best ideas come to me when I'm running. Today, during my tempo run, I was thinking about what I usually think about, and that's how I'd like to help "newby" women start exercising and/or finish their first endurance event (marathon or triathlon).

I've been thinking a lot about to get started, what to call this endeavor, whether to have a Facebook business page, etc. And the fun part has been trying to come up with a catchy name. And today I finally did: You Go Girl Sport and Fitness (not sure about the "sport and fitness" part but for now, its good).

Then I wondered if I should call it You Go Girl or U Go Girl or UGO Girl and when I came home I googled all of these variations. Darn!  There's a series of YouTube videos of "U Go Girls" and the girls in these videos are well, not what I had in mind for my business...they're not wearing much and I don't think they could do interval training in those heels....

Anyway, I'm going to mull this over for awhile and see where it leads me...

So what did I do today for a workout?  Can I just say it was awesome???  I made it to the pool (thanks to Kurt who was able to stay home with the kids) and swam about 1200 yards. Not a lot but enough to maintain my feeble swimming fitness level. Felt a twinge in my left rotator cuff again (darn it) so that was one reason I cut it short.

One thing that was cool about swimming on a non-Master's day is that I had the pool to myself!  It was strange being the only one in the pool and I'm sure the lifeguard was bored to tears but oh well...

Then after the kids left for school, I donned my running clothes, grabbed the leash and Daisy, and off we went. Aaaaahhhhh, now I feel at home!  Running over ice and snow in 20-degree weather...what more can you ask for?

Seriously, I felt really good. Warmed up for a good 20 mins, letting Daisy stop now and then to smell the roses (and the fox poop), then picked up the pace for several 2-3 min surges. Felt stronger than usual. Ran up the hills faster than normal. Dropped Daisy off after 40 mins, and went back out for two long tempo surges. On the way back it was slightly uphill and I felt really strong - charged up the hill the whole way home.  Cool!

Not a bad week so far...

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