Sunday, January 17, 2010

Movin' Right Along

Since I get a lot of questions re balancing family life with training, I thought I'd write about that today. Basically, it doesn't work.

Hold on, don't leave so soon!  What I mean is that you can never have everything in perfect balance. Work, family, training, cleaning, chillin'....all good stuff but its impossible to balance it all 100% of the time. I gave up trying to do that a long time ago.

Instead, I just prioritize tasks each day and let the rest go. I can't do it all and I don't even want to try.

So, today is a good example. I had to be in church by 9:15 and I wanted to get a good Spinerval workout in. My house needed cleaning and the kids were up and about.

Normally on Sundays, I don't have to be at the church until 10:30 but today there was an adult ed class I really wanted to go to, so I shortened my Spinerval workout and walked right past the dusting and vacuuming that needed to be done and got to church on time. To me, getting a good workout and going to this class were a higher priority than a clean house.

And btw, these Spinerval tapes are great!  I did the same one I did last week (see previous posts) but this time, I made it through the 16 sprints (45 seconds on with 15 seconds rest). I felt great afterwards!  There was another set of 20 sprints after this one but I didn't have time to do those and that was OK.

Like yesterday, I chose to do less today so that I could fit in other things I want to get done. It feels really good to do that.

I think a lot of women put everyone else ahead of them and then they don't have time to exercise. I understand that and its admirable in a way, but I think they would be setting a better example for the kids if they moved their fitness level a little higher on the priority list. I would go so far as to say this: do your exercise first and then let the chips fall where they may. You'll still get the important stuff done but you won't get EVERYTHING done and that's ok...because it feels soooo good to be fit that its worth it.

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