Saturday, January 16, 2010

Holding Back

Today we had another fun group run. Started at 8:00 AM from WOW and had two newcomers: Cory, a grad student at UNC that I had met a few years ago (training for his 2nd Ironman) and Nancy, a multi-sport phenom who I met on O Street last summer while on a bike ride (that's a funny story - will tell that one later).

So, we had Dan, Brenda, Kevin, Jenny, Marshall, Sarah, Nancy, Cory, and myself. The plan was to run the 12 mile route that goes by the Poudre Learning Center. Sarah only wanted to do 6 and since I wasn't sure I was up for 12, I decided to bring Daisy since she can only go 6 or less.

As it turned out, I felt really good and could've done 12 and Daisy didn't do so great after all. She did her usual all-out sprints in the beginning dragging me along with her, then stopping to sprawl out on the snow to cool off.

But I'm glad I only ran 6. I wanted to run with Sarah so she wouldn't have to run alone (not that she can't run by herself, just thought she'd like the company) and I don't want to do too much too soon. We're still early in the season and I don't want to burn out by June!

Saw Todd in the parking lot when I got back and talked with him for awhile. We have such a great group of running/tri friends - it's like we're one big family.

We found out that Adrenaline Tri Sports in Niwot is going out of business - bummer! That's where I got my bike. Sarah and Brenda went over there yesterday to snag some deals and Marshall is going today (hope he buys a bike!). I was a good girl and didn't go because I really don't need anything right now
Last but not least, my hubby placed 2nd in his age group at the Xterra Winter Triathlon Championships in Soldier Hollar, Utah! I'm proud of him - he's been training for these Xterra events all by himself and doesn't have much time to train. Wish we could've gone with him - next year for sure!

That's it for today! Hope to do a good Spinerval ride tomorrow before church. TTFN.

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