Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Goggle Eyes

Since Master's swim doesn't start until next week, I was very tempted to sleep in today. But I was good, and I got my sleepy rear-end out of bed at 5:15 this morning so that I could make it to the pool by 6:20 (gotta have that coffee first!).

Once I get there, I'm good. Sarah was there so I shared a lane with her. There are more people at the pool these days which is kinda nice, kinda not-so-nice (because I don't get a lane to myself anymore!).

I did not have a pre-planned workout. Forgot to read Richard's email that included suggested workouts for this week, of course. Decided on the spot to swim 400 free, 200 kick, 400 free, and 200 pull or something like that. So, that's what I did. A measly 1200 yards. My butt will be kicked hard next week when we start Master's again!

Thought about riding my trainer today but remembered that I shouldn't do too much too soon since I might burn out by summer time. Tomorrow is supposed to be super cold so it will be a good day to ride indoors.

Really need to do more strength-training. Can't get motivated to do that...rather, can't find the time to do it!  But that needs to be moved up the priority list.

Why do runners hate weight-lifting and muscle-heads hate running?

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