Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Tempo Tuesday No More

Tuesdays are usually my tempo run day. But this semester I'm teaching a class at 9:30 so I have to run before I get my kids up for school, instead of after. I have to get them up by 7:10, which means I have to hit the road by 6:30, if not earlier. Didn't happen today.

I was up by 5:30 but 1.5 cups of coffee is just enough to make it hard to get out the door without running to the bathroom one more time. My friends all know what I'm talking about.

Then, as I'm racing around the house getting ready, Daisy is getting all excited because she thinks she is going with me. I had not wanted to take her because I want to run nonstop and she likes to stop and/or take off too fast before I'm warmed up.

It is amazing, though, how she knows that I'm going to run without me saying anything. She knows the routine so well!  She sees me putting on my jacket, Ipod, shoes, gloves, etc, and she's all over it. Jumping up excitedly and wagging the tail frantically. Its sooo hard to not take her.

So, I took her. But that takes more time to get her harness and leash on. I'm finally out the door at 6:53!  OK, decision time. Do I keep running to get the full workout in or abort the run so that I can get my kids up and ready for school on time?

Well, I did what any red-blooded Ironman trainee would do: I did the full workout.

BUT, I took Daisy back after 15 mins and ran inside to wake up the kids so that they could start getting dressed and ready for schoool. They're both 8 and semi-able to get ready by themselves. A quick kiss on the forehead and I'm back out the door, saying "please, PLEASE, kids get up and eat breakfast!"

I attempted on 15-min tempo run but couldn't stop worrying about the time. Decided to run fast for 8 mins and go back, get kids to school, and try again tomorrow. And to change the training plan so that Tuesday mornings are my day off. It's just too stressful. I'd rather be home getting ready for my class in the early AM than stressin' out about getting out the door on time.

So, here's my tentative training plan for now:
Mondays: Master's swim and tempo run
Tuesdays: Lift (after class)
Wednesdays: Master's swim and run
Thursdays: Spinerval tape
Fridays: Lift
Saturdays: Long run
Sundays: Spinerval tape or spin for 45 - 60 mins

I'll see how this goes. I don't want to be too rigid in my training this time of year. When its nice enough to get outside, I'll ditch one of the tapes but will probably continue to do Spinervals at least once a week.

Well, live and learn...or should I say, train and learn!


Unknown said...

I had to massively change up my training plan for the marathon. It wasn't such a bad thing. I felt a little more energized cause I was doing a tempo run on a different day; a change in routine can be motivating.

My only question is I know those Master's swim workouts can be really hard (just from you talking to me). Can you do a tempo run and a Master's swim in the same day? I'd maybe do a tempo run and lift on the same day.
Then again, that's what you had to do for an Ironman and it worked.
Otherwise I think it looks good!

Cindy Dallow, PhD, RD said...

I swam and did a tempo run today but must admit, it was tough. The swimming takes it out of me. So, I'm not sure what to do. I usually feel pumped on Tuesday mornings and would really like to keep it on that morning but with my class so early and having to get kids up, etc, its very tight...will think it through some more. And I don't want to do too much too soon either...will just go with the flow for now, I guess. Hope to see you on Saturday!

Unknown said...

Maybe tough is good, but just listen to your body about that, as you always do.