Monday, January 25, 2010

I did a brick!

Just a quick note to say that I ended up running a great tempo run after my swim today - woo hoo! Felt really strong. Ran for an hour and did three 10-minute "reps" of near all-out running. I can hardly walk now but that's ok (isn't what Celebrex is for?), I'm psyched that I could run that well.

Plus, now I can take tomorrow off and feel good about it.  Cool!


WildWill said...

Great stuff

I'll be running to the pool and back today so i hope i have as good a run


Anonymous said...

Hey, I normally don't leave comments but I just thought I'd let you know that this blog is great. I write too, but I can't
write as well as you do. Here are some of my writings. If you want to look at them, if not it's ok. anyway, thanks.

Xbox 360 Repairs
World of Warcraft Druids
Woodworking Plans

Unknown said...

That's cool! we were all worried about that too. Sounds like on some days it'll be great.

Hey, email me and tell me what Celebrex is. Is that like a painkiller or what?

Cindy Dallow, PhD, RD said...

Hey thanks, Anonymous! I love getting feedback on what I write. I started this blog to keep myself accountable and I'll keep writing it whether anyone reads it or not but I really enjoy hearing from people so thanks a bunch...I'll check yours out soon.

And WildWill - hope you have a good run! I don't always feel so good but yesterday was amazing!

Dan - Celebrex is a prescription pain med that really helps reduce inflammation and eases arthritis, which I probably have in my hips and knees..hate to say I resort to drugs but as they say "better living through chemistry" (you'll understand when you get to be my age!)

Anonymous said...

Hey thanks for all the great information on this blog. I don't have a blog yet but I'm writing for a website right now. I'm just very new to
the blogging and Internet writing thing, but if you want, you can check out some of my articles! Thanks a lot and I hope we can become
blogging buddies sometime when I start a blog.

Choosing a Chainsaw
World of Warcraft