Thursday, January 29, 2009

Ho hum....

That's how I feel today...just ho-hum. Ran 42 mins today with Daisy and felt fine. The sunshine and warmer temps felt good (30 degrees vs 10). But since Kurt had run Daisy a few miles earlier this mornng, I didn't want overdo it for her so kept the pace slow. Thus, not the greatest training run but better than nothing, I guess.

I keep feeling like I should be doing more....that I'm not training enough. Then, I remember what my friend, Lynne, told me (who did the Florida IM in November) and that was "don't train hard too soon - you'll just burn out". It's hard to know when to start pushing harder, going longer, etc. I don't have a coach so I need to figure this one out soon!

I'm worried about next fall. I will be teaching two classes at UNC and one of them is a brand new class that I will be creating from scratch. The kids will probably be in soccer and choir, which ties up three weeknights for me. This is when my heaviest training will be. But Marshall works full time and his kids are way busier than mine so I think "if he can do it, I can do it".

But there's also dinner, laundry, grocery shopping, housecleaning - all of which are mostly my job. I have a hard enough time getting it all done without adding a rigorous training schedule. I'm not whining, just thinking realistically!

I may have to get myself off of some committees. Right now I'm Chair of the Colorado Chapter of FRUA (Families for Russian and Ukrainian Adoption) and I'm on several ministry committees at church.

OK, one day at a month at a time....

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