Thursday, January 8, 2009

Two Dog Run

Ok, I'm still laughing at Tuesday's post....anyone who reads this blog must think I'm nuts.

And yesterday I did get in a swim at the Rec Center. I was very close to baggin' it, thinking that I had too much to do but I put blinders on and walked past the piles of laundry, dust, and cheap plastic toys that seem to infiltrate my life these days and drove to the pool. Only swam about 1000 yards but got it in!

I do think that lack of strength is my biggest barrier to swimming. I think my stroke is decent enough now (not that it can't improve) but I just get so tired. My arms get tired. My back starts to hurt. So I guess it's just a matter of strength training and time...I hope!

Had a fun run today with my friend, Jenny. She brought Zoey, her yellow lab. It was Daisy's first time running with another dog and she did great! I thought it would be a mess in the beginning....leashes getting tangled and dogs tackling each other but they did fine. They had ample time to "meet and greet" while Jenny and I talked so maybe that helped. But we ran about 3 miles and both dogs did fine.

The weather is amazing....almost 60 degrees today!

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