Thursday, January 15, 2009

I did a two-a-day!

Yeah, can ya believe it? For awhile there, I forgot I was even training for anything. I hadn't gotten in much exercise. But that's also because I've been very busy with family stuff lately.

Anyway, on Tuesday I tried my new Troy Jacobson Spinerval DVD that my husband got me for Christmas. Forgot what it's called but it's a cycling training tape. I have another one but Kurt got me a 2nd one to use for training. The first one is very, very hard. The new one appeared easy when I first started watching it but um, well, it aint easy!

This is the workout: 8 one-minute intervals using whatever gear you need to achieve 70 - 80 rpm (not too hard but I got my heart rate up), with 45 seconds in between each interval. Then 12 45-second intervals with a goal of 80 - 90 rpm, with 30 seconds between each interval. Then 16 30-second intervals with a goal of 100 rpm and 15 seconds in between. Owie kapowie!

And there was more....but I had to turn it off because I was running late that day. I'm not teaching this semester and it's amazing how the time fills up!

Weds I took off and today was my big "TWO-A-DAY" (I'm all pumped up because it made me feel like a real triathlete). I ran this morning with Daisy, about 4 miles; then I swam 45 mins tonight when the kids were in swim teach practice.

This was the first time I had swam in over a week (uh oh, not good for someone training for an Ironman!). I'm so bad at swimming that 45 mins was way too long. I was ready to quit in 30 mins. Back to square one for me.

I keep losing my motivation to swim. Part of the problem is that it's cold outside (it's January, for cryin' out loud). When it's cold, I have NO desire to don a swimming suit and jump into a cold pool. I hate it, in fact. I even heard myself say the other day "I bet I'll be fine if I wait until summer to start swimming". And she signed up for an Ironman, you say....

No, I will NOT be fine if I wait until summer to start swimming!!! I need to be swimming now! Marshall is and he's also doing some P98X program that pumps up his upper body. He keeps talking about how easy the swim will be (in the Ironman) but he doesn't realize how wimpy my arms are....that I get tired after 30 mins of swimming!

So, pinky promise to myself: I will swim 2-3 days/week from here on out. Someone please make me do it!

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