Friday, September 11, 2009

Two steps forward and one step back

That's the way it seems sometimes. Today I swam at the Rec Center and I could've sworn it was my first time EVER swimming. I felt awkward and slow. Completely the opposite of last week when I actually felt like I could pull off this Ironman. Not sure why, other than the fact that I missed Wednesday's swim. Hmmm....

Got in a 50-minute run yesterday and ditto for the run. The last few miles hurt like hell and why on earth would that happen, I've only been running for 25 years now!

Its weird how one day you can feel like you're flying and the next day you feel like a turtle. Speaking of turtles, I found a really cute one crossing the road by my house the other day. I love to see their little legs go really fast when you pick them up...ok, I digressed...

Starting the big miles this weekend: Saturday is a 2:30 run and Sunday is a 4.5 hr ride. Hoping to take two HUGE steps forward this time!


Unknown said...

I'm going through a slow period myself after trying to train despite some weariness from all the activity lately. I'm sure your body is just hurting from all the training, but it's good pain, what you need to go through before you can start tapering. Hang in there.

Cindy Dallow, PhD, RD said...

Thanks, you're right!