Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I'm swimmin'

Monday was the first day of the new session of Master's swim and I was there at 0-dark-30. That was, of course, the day after WOW in which I swam a relatively fast mile in the lake (and my shoulders were killing me!). So, I thought I would take Monday off and start Master's on Weds.

But I actually woke up early on Monday and as I sipped coffee watching Kurt get ready to go, I thought "what the heck" and I threw my stuff in the car and went with him. And guess what? I swam 1600 yards! That's way more than I've ever done the day after a triathlon and I'm pretty darn proud of it!

I took yesterday off only because I literally had no time to train. I felt like I could run in the AM but too much to do - just couldn't squeeze it in.

So, today I woke up at 4:45 (seriously) and since Kurt had to start Master's earlier today because he had a 7:00 AM meeting, I went early with him too. We got to the Rec Center before they opened their doors! And I was itchin' to swim! Can't believe I'm typing those words.

We were in the pool by 6:00 AM and I swam continuously for 15-20 mins. Then did a modified version of the workout until 6:45. My left shoulder started aching about 30 mins into the workout so it's a good thing I had to cut it short. But so glad I got it in.

Planning to bike later today and run tomorrow - woo hoo!

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