Sunday, September 13, 2009

Good weekend

So, this was my first "big" weekend. Ran 2 hrs and 30 mins on Saturday and rode about 4 hrs today. Not bad. The run went better than expected, although I started off feeling sluggish. My legs hurt while I ran but I able to keep going. Finished fairly strong but definitely ready to stop.

The bike today was pretty fun. Marshall, John, Brenda, and Sarah went too. I had a hard time keeping up with them at first (I was way behind!) but felt good about my pace. Woke up with a sore throat and was feeling a little under the weather (and right now I feel horrible - it's much worse now) but at the time, it was ok. The rest of the ride was good - some parts slow and some fast.

I did learn one thing today: do not take off your bike shirt while standing next to a toilet. Whatever you have in your back pocket will fall INTO the toilet. Yep, my Powerbar fell right in there...and to make matters worse, I had opened it first so that it would be easier to open on the ride. Ugh. But John Kinne came to the rescue..he stopped at a store in Severance and bough tme another one. How nice was that?!

Hoping to swim tomorrow AM. Right now, my throat is hurting really bad, runny nose, and tired, ache-y feeling. Kurt just got over a bad cold (he sounded terrible) so I guess I have what he had. I don't care if I have to take a day off running, but I really don't want to miss swimming so unless I'm miserable, I'm going to the pool tomorrow AM.

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