Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Quick recap since I wrote on Sunday: Monday morning I woke up with a horrible sore throat (actually got it Sun night) and tired, ache-y feeling. Ugh. Kurt didn't think I should go to Master's swim but I got up at 5:00 and got down there by 6:00. Pretty good, eh?

The swim went fairly well but I could tell I wasn't up to par. The rest of the day was awful: runny nose, headache, sore throat, the works. I took Tylenol and Advil and some of it would subside but would come back with a vengeance once the meds wore off.

Tuesday morning I woke up feeling awful. Part of it was the cold or flu and part of it was being sore and tired from the long, hard weekend. I was supposed to run on Tues morning but I felt so bad I didn't do anything. And for me to not run means I really was sick!

Today I felt fine. Wow, it lasted only 2 days! Got up at 5:10 and got down to the pool by 6:10. Did half of the workout, which for me, was pretty good. Felt good. Shared a lane with Marshall which was fun since I like training with him. I was pleasantly surprised to find that I was not that far behind him. In fact, we swam almost the same pace on a few parts of the workout but he eventually pulled ahead. And that's ok because he's been training pretty hard.

Then, more good news. I knew I needed to run or bike and decided to run. I felt GREAT! I actually ran a fast tempo run. It was one of those runs where you feel like you're getting out all the junk in your head (and I've had a lot of junk up there lately) and I had a good spring to my step. Very nice.

Tomorrow I hope to do Spinervals and Friday I will swim...then Sat will be a long run (2:45) and either Sun or Mon I'll do a 5 hr ride. More on that later.

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