Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Good day

Ran 30 mins with Daisy this AM. Felt great - had to force myself to stop early so that I would have enough energy for swimming. That was hard! Triathlon-training is tricky; you have to know which sport to emphasize each day and one sport usually suffers. It's a lot like real juggling - keeping three balls in the air at the same time.

After we got the kids to school, Kurt and I went to the pool (he had the day off). Swam 1000 yards, which is good for me. If I can swim 3 days/week and bike at least two days/week, then I think I'm doing good.

I could probably benefit from having a coach. But Kurt wants to keep expenses down so I'm going to just follow Gail Bernhardt's plan like Marshall. It should be good enough. But it would be nice to have someone customize my training plan to my schedule and give me support/feedback along the way.

Have a busy day tomorrow - will probably just spin for 30 - 45 mins.

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