Monday, March 30, 2009


OK, so I got behind in keeping this blog...will do a quick recap now. I debate everyday whether to continue this blog but I keep coming back. It's more than just a training log...I like to record my thoughts along the way too. Who knows, maybe my kids will read it someday and understand why I'm so cranky all the time.

Last week I got a taste of what having an injury feels like. Strained a muscle in my bum! It happened while doing a quick run with Daisy. I dropped kids off for soccer practice and having only 30 mins, I let Daisy yank me off to a fast start. I should've held her back but nooo....I had to try to keep up. Not good! After the run (and the next day) I could hardly walk.

So, I swam on Thursday and biked on Friday. I was afraid to run thinking it would get worse. But after a few rounds of Celebrex and hey, I'm good to go! Hobbled out for a run on Saturday with Brenda and felt fine. We did 9.something with the dogs - great run!

Sunday was a blow-out. The forecast called for near-60 degrees so I planned to bike in the afternoon. Long story short, I was nowhere near a bike that afternoon....I was sitting in a theatre watching Monsters vs. Aliens with my two 8 yr old kids and one 15 yr old exchange student. Great movie but I really wanted to be on my bike!

I'm saving the best for last. Today I totally redeemed myself from yesterday. It was very windy outside so I decided to ride my trainer. Got out the ol' Spinerval tape but decided to do the full workout this time, which includes a bike/run option. I did that for the first time and I was wiped out! But it was so much fun, I really enjoyed it. It's three 15-min cycles of riding with increasing intensity (to the point of exhaustion, almost) and after each cycle, you jump off the bike and onto the treadmill. I felt amazingly good. In fact, the run felt so good that I had to force myself off the treadmill. I was dripping with sweat at the end. Way, way cool!!!

Getting anxious to start "the plan" and see some results. Tomorrow I'm swimming and running. (Just gotta watch those quick starts and keep the Celebrex handy!)

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