Saturday, February 28, 2009

It's All Good

Today I ran with some of my favoriate running buddies: Jenny, Brenda, Dan, and Kevin. We ran 11 miles and I know that for sure because Dan and Brenda have GPS's. I've decided that a GPS is a good thing because it validates the pain you feel later in the day like I'm feeling right now!

It was a really good run. I felt great the whole way but now I'm sore and very tired. That's the difference getting older makes....I used to be able to run 11 miles and feel relatively fine later in the day and now, even though I felt great on the run, I can hardly walk 3 hrs later.

But that's ok, I'm just happy to be running and spending time with my friends. I can't think of a better way to spend a Saturday morning! Now, excuse me while I hobble over to the kitchen to get some Advil and an ice pack.....


Unknown said...

I had a great time too.

You know as much or probably a lot more about this than me, but I do wonder if you could look into some recovery methods to help you. For me stretching and getting some protein in right away helps me after some experimentation.

I just don't want you to say "it's because of my age" because I'm sure that's a factor but it may not be the only reason?

I really would try to look into it.

Cindy Dallow, PhD, RD said...

Hmmm...I guess you maybe right but I really do think it's just age. You'll see what I mean in about 10 years! I don't know what else it could be, really. It does worry me that I may not be able to increase my mileage without some serious fatigue. We'll see. I'll ask Kurt to see what he says.