Saturday, February 14, 2009


I never thought I'd be typing these words, but I had a great swim yesterday! Yep. Me, the swimmer wanna-be. I got to the pool around 9:15 and swam until almost 10:00, which is not that long but it was the first time I swam almost continuously the whole time. The first 15 mins I included several laps of kicking and one lap of pool-running (which is really hard on the quads) but for the last 20+ minutes I swam laps without stopping and that is definitely a first for me.

I know it was a harder workout for me because my arms are sore today!

It's 7:00 AM and I'm leaving in a half-hour to run with Jenny. She's running into town and I'm meeting her near Bear's Car Wash, like we did last week. There's about an inch of snow on the ground right now - very pretty, I love running in light snow!

Today is Valentine's Day AND my son's birthday. We're having ten 7 and 8 yr olds here today and he's just a little bit excited (he's bouncing off the walls right now). I think after a long run and chasing 10 kids around the house all afternoon, I am going to crash tonight!

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