Saturday, February 7, 2009

Better day

Finally, a good long run! I ran two full hours today and felt great. Felt like I could've gone a bit longer.
Left my house at 8:00 with Daisy and met Jenny and Kevin near Bear's car wash (about 2 miles from here). Ran to Josephine Jones park, went around park, then ran with Jenny back to 35th Avenue and across highway 34 to the first light....ran back to get my vest, which I ditched earlier because I was hot.
Got home at 10:05. We stopped a few times to cross roads (and make a few pit-stops) but other than that, kept running. Kurt met us on the way back from our run and took Daisy back. He said she was tired and had to stop a few times so we might need to slow down on her running.
Anyway, thought about the Ironman the whole time on my way back, after leaving Jenny. Hadn't let myself think much about it lately because I don't want to get burned out. But it was fun to think about...that I might actually finish one. You never know, I may get hit by a truck too....
The ol' marathon-training effect has taken hold: post-long-run fatigue. I feel like I could take a nap. I tried to jump on the trampoline with the kids and holy moly, my legs were tired! I could hardly jump at all. Then, Evan wanted to walk up to the skate-board park so I did....and now I just want to sleep!
But I am SO glad that I ran well this morning. Felt like I was back to where I was last summer. I need to rev things up now, starting with my weekly runs (go longer) and increase cycling too. I don't want to stay in a rut. I think I'll start by riding my trainer tomorrow. I usually take the day off after a long run but not this time. Gotta get a move on!

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