Monday, December 29, 2008

Motherhood = Motherload of Stuff To Do

The good news is that I finally got a good run in after my swim this morning (see below). The bad news is that I'm stressed to the max right now and it's supposed to be Christmas "vacation".

This is how the day went:
7:30 AM - back from swim, plan to go for a quick run
7:32 - give food and water to dogs
7:35 - cook egg and toast for Evan, make oatmeal for Katerina....make hot cocoa for both kids. Clean kitchen while they eat their breakfast. Start my breakfast, answer phone and talk to mom, continue to clean kitchen, put dogs out, continue to get my breakfast, answer phone again from plumber (sink is plugged in master bathroom), think about getting ready to run
8:00 - finally sit and eat my breakfast
8:02 - break up fight between kids
8:05 - clean breakfast dishes, finish cleaning kitchen (sweep floor, put dishes in dishwaster, go through previous day's mail, grab sock out of dog's mouth, break up argument between kids....
8:15 - wrap packages that need to go in the mail, think about going for a run
8:20 - box up gifts that need to be returned
8:45 - grab glove out of dog's mouth, start to clean up living room, answer phone, break up argument between kids
9:00 - answer email, listen to crying child, take sock out of dog's mouth
9:15 - talk to 15 yr old exchange student who just woke up
9:20 - put away laundry done over the weekend, take sock out of dog's mouth, put dog out, let other dog in, think about going for a run
9:40 - change litter in litter box, feed cat, chase dog to take shoe out of her mouth, watch son do back-flip on the trampoline (5 times!)
9:50 - continue to clean living room, pick up wrapping paper, Christmas gifts strewn about, answer phone
10:15 - make grocery list, go through cookbook to figure out what to make for dinner, finish cleaning living room
10:30 - put away rest of clothes, look for running tights to go for a run, let dog in and other dog out, pick up dog poop in part of the yard (making mental note to myself to pick up rest later), answer phone again, pick through pile of papers on desk, write a few Christmas cards that are obviously very late, write out checks for overdue bills, referee argument between kids
10:45 - help kids get out face-painting kit (that requires a sledgehammer to open the package)
10:55 - clean up huge mess in bathroom left by kids using face-painting kit...decide to have kids clean it up themselves and look for kids, who are jumping on trampoline
11:00 - clean dog poop off kids' shoes, realize that I REALLY WANT TO RUN
11:15 - remember that I was going to run AFTER my swim....continue looking for tights in mound of clean clothes on the bed, listen to 7 yr old tell knock-knock jokes over and over again, grab sock out of dog's mouth
11:30 Put on running clothes, answer door bell to find plumber standing on doorstep
11:40- tell plumber I'm going for a run, listen to daughter beg me to let her go with me on my run (while thinking that all I want to do is RUN and have some time to myself!)
11:45 - Head out the door with both kids in tow, dog on hands-free leash (daughter with face painted like a warrior) and jog slowly with my daughter, who decides to stomp in puddles and walk after oh, say 100 feet or so

Fortunately, my daughter pooped out after half a mile and was easily talked into going back home so that I could run on by myself. My son, Evan, ran the small loop so fast that he was bored very quickley. Yay, I'm home free now.....turn up the Ipod and away I go!

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