Saturday, December 27, 2008

Holiday rush

Christmas is over, finally. We had a wonderful Christmas but it seems like we were celebrating for a month! It started with Poinsetta Pops concernt, festival of trees, Cowboy Santa....on and on. My kids are 7 yrs old so they're really into and we did have a nice time at all of these events but I'm really ready for it to be over.

And I'm REALLY sick of Christmas songs on Cozy 101! Never again will I listen to that station (well, I probably will because my kids love to hear Santa Baby and it IS funny to listen to them crack up every time it comes on).

So, what did I do for exercise? I ran with Daisy two days in a row. It was VERY cold, about 5 degrees or so but my Santa hat kept me warm. Then Kurt and I ran together on Christmas day (with Daisy, who did her longest run yet: 4 miles).

Then I rode my bike on my trainer while watching HGTV that channel....I like the shows where they re-do various rooms in a house.....and then I accidentally changed the channel to the cooking channel and it's now my favorite thing to watch, although I keep slowing down while trying to listen to all the ingredients....

And today I ran a good long run, probably 12 miles. It was great.....about 10 degrees when I left my house but I was warm and toasty the whole way. I felt really good. I like to run by myself on long runs because I let my mind just go on auto-pilot. Love it, love it, love it.

And for Christmas I got goggles, zoomers, Spinerval DVD, bike jersey, necklace with girl on a bike, Oakley sunglasses (for running only).....can ya tell I'm a triathlete???

I'm looking foward to training because I've notice how out of shape I've gotten this last year. I'm still running but not as often. Went from 6 days a week to 4 and I'm running slower. I'm 47 and have noticed a sizable change in body the wrong direction. I must say that it's been hard to swallow. I see body fat where I've never had it before. I'm stiffer, slower, and fatter. Hoping that will all change with IM training!

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