Monday, December 29, 2008

Back in the water

It's time to get serious. Christmas is over and even though we still have New Year's to celebrate, I'm ready to get back to swimming. There's nothing more motivating than writing that big, fat check to North America Sports to enter an Ironman triathlon to get my lazy butt back in the pool!

And today was a good day to start back because Richard Hess, our swim coach (see previous post), provided underwater videotaping again. My friends, Lynne and Marshall, were there too. It's a great way to see people you don't see often and get swim tips at the same time.

I had a great time but I will say that I don't always feel comfortable with this group. Just being honest. There are a few guys there that are not too friendly and I always feel like a fish out of water (no pun intended!). I've felt this way for a long time and recently I've started to rise above it, to show up keep on truckin'.....I have to or I won't make it.

But I did get some GREAT tips. Richard, Tom, and Paul Nutter gave me some good advice. Paul teaches at UNC and is a really good swimmer. He's also a nice guy.

But you know, maybe newby runners feel the same way when they go to track. Maybe we seasoned runners are not as warm to the newby's as we think we are. All I know is that I feel some really cold vibes from some people at the pool and it makes it even harder for me to get down there on these cold, dark mornings.

But I'll keep trying....I have to because well, you know, I wrote that really big fat check and I've got a really big, fat race coming up in '09!

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