Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Mommy got ran over by a snowplow....

Those were the words going through my head yesterday as I slugged through the dense snow in my neighborhood on my run (sung to the tune of "Grandma got run over by a reindeer....). I will pat myself on the back, however, because it was ZERO degrees outside and I got my butt out the door!

I'll give myself a double pat on the back because I made it to the pool this morning at 6:00 AM. It's kinda nice driving through Greeley at 0-dark-hundred....listening to Bret Saunders on KBCO....except I almost ran a red light and that woke me up.

It was worth it, however. Richard videotaped us today with his fancy-shmancy underwater camera. I learned that I need to keep my arms straighter after they enter the water....he said I'm bending them too much. I'll remember that along with the 100 other things you're supposed to remember while you swim (that's why I hate swimming, it's way too technical for my pea-size brain. Running is sooooo simple - it's just "right foot, left foot, right foot, left foot").

So I tried doing what Richard told me to do.....arms reach out further, hands enter the water with thumbs first (palms facing outward), pull arms back and then when they get right below your belly, bend your arms and then push all the way back.....ARRRGGGHHHH!!!! Why is it so hard to do this??? Will I ever be able to swim 2.4 miles in the ocean????

I used to think that an Iroman would be easier than running the Leadville 100 but now I'm not so sure....

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