Saturday, March 6, 2010

Surprise 12-Miler

First, before I write about the run, I have to say that I am SO frustrated with Blogger. It is very hard to put pictures and text on this blog where I want them!  I also do NOT like the text centered like this but it won't let me change it. Believe me, I've tried. And the white space below this paragraph is unintentional, it won't let me start a new paragrap below this one. It skips to below the picture. Go figure!
This morning I met my friends at Jenny's house for our usual group run. Jenny wanted to run 18 (she's running a marathon in Kentucky in a few weeks) and Dan and Brenda wanted to run 12 (both training for marathons). Sarah and I just wanted to run 9 or 10 so we planned to do "just the loop" (which 9.something).

We also had Paul, Dave, Kevin, and Cory along for the ride. Such a stellar group to run with!

We headed out into the chilly fog (and yes, that's me in short-sleeves...). The thermometer said 37 but it felt more like 27 because it was a "wet cold".  But I quickly warmed up and by the end of the run, the sun came out and of course, I was hot.

Sarah, who was running ahead of me, missed the turn off point to go back and I just followed her. I knew that that meant we were doing more than 9 but I decided that I need to start pushing it. In other words, I need to stop wimping out.

So, I didn't say anything and like a good Ironman-trainee, I kept going.  This is precisely why I do my long runs with a group - you almost always go farther than you would have on your own. And I actually felt pretty good. No complaints (and you know you'd read them here if I had any!)

In the picture at left: Brenda, Dan, Sarah, Kevin, and Paul. The others are behind me. See how foggy it is?  Ugh. But we got it done and I'm glad I went for the full 12. Now I can sit on my butt all day and not feel too guilty.

Came home and had a delicious bowlful of leftover Pasta with Sausage and Soybeans. This is one of my favorite recipes and although the title doesn't sound too appealing, it is absolutely delicious. Low in fat and high in protein and carbs. I'll put the recipe on my Recipe page. Try it - you'll love it!

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