Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Mental Health Run

I teach at 9:30 on Tuesdays, so I have to run before taking my kids to school, which means getting out the door by 6:30 at the absolute latest. Today it was easy to do that because I had so much on my mind.

What was I thinking about?  Health care reform, of course!  And while I won't go into a political discussion here, I was feeling very frustrated, disappointed, and yes, a bit angry. And I'm FOR the reform bill!

Anyway, I needed to get out and burn off some negative energy running through my body. Sometimes we need to do that and for me, its the only way I can rid myself of the toxic ju-ju that too much news-watching creates in our brains.

I ran from 6:30 to 6:50 with Daisy (she actually did very well) and then another 25 mins by myself. I would've loved to have a LONG run to really work out the kinks but it just couldn't happen today.

Oh well, at least I felt better after the run. Some people turn to alcohol to drown their sorrows in but I go for a run. Its much healthier, they say!

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