Sunday, March 28, 2010

The "I" Word

Yes, that means "injury". And I've definitely got one.  Ran with the group today, which really wasn't a good idea since it has been hurting quite a bit. But I thought that taking 2 days off would help and it kind of did.  I was able to run 9.5 miles today but it hurt so bad afterwards that I literally could hardly walk. Ugh.

So I really might have to take some time off from running. I'm too tired now to think clearly but wanted to jot down my thoughts. And I think it sucks, plain and simple.

I have pain every which way I move. Not good.

Tomorrow is Master's swim so need to get to bed early so I can get up early (5:20 AM). Will swim and lift tomorrow, bike Tuesday and see how things are on Weds. If I can run 2-3 days/week that would be great. Then again, it might be best to not run at all for a week or so. But I'm afraid it will just come back again and what good did that do?

Kurt is finally taking me seriously and says he will either do a formal exam on me or refer me to someone he knows. I also want to see the guys at Proactive - the best physical therapy in town!

I'll keep you posted. Keep your fingers crossed and say a prayer, if you are so inclined. I need to start IM training soon!


Unknown said...

True, I hear you about taking a week off, but on the flip side, what good is running doing right now, other than making you more and more hurt? You're not training for anything.

See what the doctors say, but if they say take some time off, do it. You'll be able to jump right back into running - you're that good - and you'll feel better when you do. Because IM training starts soon! :) :)

Cindy Dallow, PhD, RD said...

Thanks, you're right! I'm actually more ok with it than I would have been 5 yrs ago. Its so nice having friends who understand!