Sunday, March 14, 2010

Birthday Run

Today is my birthday and I only wanted two things: handmade cards from my kids (which I got and I love - complete with Jolly Rancher candy and sticks of gum taped to the inside) and a long run with my friends.

Although only two of my friends could make it, I really enjoyed the run AND the fact that at the ripe old age of 49, I could run 8 miles so easily, it felt like I hardly did anything.

I have to add that last night was Daylight Savings Time so our 7:30 run time was really 6:30, and Jenny and Todd still made it over to run with me. Todd is nursing an injury so he rode his bike while we ran. Now that is commendable!

Last year, my birthday was on a Saturday and there was a good size group that went. This year, being on a Sunday, and one when the time springs forward an hour, drastically reduced the number of people showing up (they all ran long yesterday).

So, I feel really good to have such good friends. Many people make comments about my running or doing triathlons and if they only knew how much easier it is to train when you have such a great group of friends.

Our long runs on Saturday are something that I look forward to all week. We laugh and talk and cheer each other on. We are all different, yet we have this one thing in common and it works really well.

Today, I thought about two close friends that I lost a few years ago. Geoff, who I had run and climbed with for many, many years (he was an integral part of our running group), who died of multiple myeloma at the age of 56, and Denise, who was a fellow adoptive mom and who I became very close friends with. Denise died of stomach cancer at the age of 43. Both amazing people and I will never forget them. I'm missing them today and will not take life for granted, knowing that they would give anything to be here today.

So, here's to life and to living it to the fullest, each and every day.

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