Saturday, March 20, 2010

Plans Change...and Then They Change Again

Such is the life of busy people who train for endurance events (and who like to FAC the night before our group run).  This morning was a prime example.

The original plan was for those of us running 10 - 12 miles to meet at Sarah's house at 7:30 and those who were doing 20 (Dan and Jenny) to meet at Jenny's at 6:00 AM and we would hook up on the Matt Maske Trail (our name for the trail).

Then Sarah and Lynne go out for a beer at Crabtree on Friday night and after indulging in several beers with high alcohol content, they decide to change the plan to meeting at Jenny's. Sarah texted me late last night to tell me the plan had changed. I thought Jenny and Dan were in on this change and since it didn't matter to me, I was ok with it. So, this morning I get ready to go to Jenny's and decide to take Daisy so that she can play with Sammy while we run.

I load Daisy up in the truck and of course, she's all excited about going somewhere, and I head out to Jenny's. While stopped at a stoplight halfway out there, I turn on my phone and see that there is another text. This time its from Lynne and she said they changed the plans AGAIN to meet at Sarah's at 7:30!

Crap, what am I going to do with Daisy?  And now I'm halfway to Jenny's and I'll have to go back home to drop her off and then back out to Sarah's house. ARRGGGHHH!

Long story short, there was an obvious snafu in the plan-making and it sounds like it happpened late last night at Crabtree's. This is not good. While I understand the reasoning for changing the plan (too long to explain here), it is NOT good to change a running plan late in the game and then change it AGAIN!

So I drove back to my house and dropped off a very sad-looking dog and then turned around and went all the way out west to Sarah's house. I got there late, of course, but I didn't care.

The good news is that Sarah, Lynne, Marshall, and I got in 11 miles. Dan, Brenda, Steve, and Jenny ended up doing 20 and that's what they needed to do (Dan and Jenny are training for spring marathons). And if you think about it, after all the years we've been running together on weekends and this is the first time we've ever had a major snafu, that's pretty good.

And the run was nice!  It was 15 degrees when we started but I had dressed warm enough that I was comfortable the whole way. I felt sluggish in the beginning but got a 2nd wind mid-way through and finished feeling really good.

Sarah got a new yoga video for runners/triathletes so I stayed at her house and did half the video with her after the run. Oh boy, that was painful!  I am not as flexible as I used to be and definitely not used to doing yoga so I could only do half of it (and was anxious to get home, shower, and eat). But it was nice to stretch and I feel pretty good now.

I'm just glad we had a nice run, considering how last night Katerina was not feeling well - had a swollen lymph node, sore throat, headache, and slight fever - so I thought I'd be staying home but she got up early this morning (like 5:30!) and said she wanted to go to snowboarding lessons (it was Kurt's turn to drive them today). She's one tough little girl.

Anyway, that's how it goes sometimes. Things change and then they change again. You just have to go with the flow...or don't go at all.

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