Monday, February 15, 2010

President's Day

Well, today is President's Day, which means it's Monday, which means its a Master's Swim Day. Yes, I got my tired butt out of bed at 5:15 AM this morning and made it to the pool on time. And yes, I did the main set which is good since that's what I'm supposed to do. And yes, I am still the slowest swimmer there.

But first, let's catch up from last week. Lots to write about. Here is a recap of my workouts:

Wednesday, 2/10:
Master's swim and 30 min Spinerval workout. That's all I remember, too long ago (this is what happens when you get old)

Thursday, 2/11:
Five mile run after dropping kids off at school. Felt tired and sluggish, wanted to stop at mile 3. Pushed through last 2 miles but it was not pretty. Strangely, I got really hot and did something I never do: took off my gloves. I also took off my base layer top but I do that frequently but I always keep my gloves on when the temp is below 40. But for some strange reason my hands got hot - really weird. The last 2 miles seemed like another 5 miles. Strange all the way around.

Friday, 2/12:
Day off and for the life of me, I don't remember why. Probably because I knew I was running long on Saturday. See, my memory is totally shot.

Saturday, 2/13:
11 mile run with friends (see pic above).  This was a good/bad run. Good because I ran 11 frickin' miles with people I really like (and we laughed the entire way) but bad because well, I felt like crap. Started off good but could hardly finish. I was very sore and tired. Everyone else was fresh. Great. Me, the one who just did an Ironman in November (remember?), could hardly do 11 miles.

The other picture is pretty funny. We were out in the middle of nowhere on a dirt road that no one uses and guess what's out there?  A hospital sign!  That wouldn't be so funny if you didn't know that there isn't a hospital anywhere near that sign. NCMC is way, way far away. So we call this route "the hospital route".

And if you're not from Greeley you wouldn't know that there is a bitter rivalry between Greeley's hospital (NCMC) and the new one outside of Loveland (MCR). My husband works at NCMC and Brenda works at MCR so we had to get a shot of them pointing the way to "the hospital". Too funny.

Sunday, 2/14:
Two mile run with Daisy in bitter cold wind. I actually wanted to run farther but my kids were singing in church that morning and I didn't have time. Plus, Daisy had just eaten before we left and she stopped a lot so I cut it short.

And as I said above, today was Master's swim. I'm beginning to sound like a broken record here but gee wiz, will I ever catch up with my swim-mates???  I was so far behind today that half of them left before I finished the main set. I even started with fins!

I shared a lane with Kurt and HE was actually slower than me (for once). He got there late and didn't get to warm up so he was fairly slow. Cool. I out-swam someone and it was my husband. For once, I have bragging rights in this household.

This was the main set. Comments are welcome!
2 x 250
2 x 200
2 x 150
2 x 100
2 x 50

I did about a 500 yd warmup and then this main set. I liked it but wish I could swim with everyone else!  Even Sarah who has been injured for 2 months blew me away. 

But I redeemed myself on a fast tempo run 2 hrs later. Felt fantastic!  Ran 40 mins, with 3 ten-minute surges, holding a near all-out pace. Woo hoo! 

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