Tuesday, February 9, 2010

No Dog, No Love, No Joy...

Today was one of those days that it was hard to find time to exercise. I had a lot to do and a lot on my mind. I could've easily blown it off.

But not when you have a 1 yr old Golden Retriever puppy staring up at you with those big brown eyes...begging you to take her on a run.

So I did and it was great. I went at 5:00 PM, which is odd for me; I usually run in the morning but since I teach on Tuesday mornings, i couldn't go this morning. It was a nice change. The sun was heading over the horizon and the sky had that "dusky" look.

We ran through some neighborhoods and down to Sanborn Park. She did her usual "stopping" thing, where she stops and rolls on the snow, about 4 or 5 times. But I didn't care. I wasn't in any hurry.

There's just something special about running with your dog. It is the ultimate de-stresser. How can you not be happy running at a comfortable pace with a gorgeous dog trotting along beside you?  

We only ran 30 mins but it was all I needed to unwind from a busy day. And judging from the way she is curled up by my side right now, I would say it was enough for her too.

Off to bed early tonight...tomorrow is Weds and I want to make Master's swim, which means getting up at 5:15. Too bad I can't take Daisy with me to the pool!

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