Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Rainy Run

Today it pretty much rained all day long. My training plan called for a run in the AM and a swim later on, with Master's swim group. It was raining pretty heavily when I wanted to run so I waited until it stopped - around 11:00 AM - and zipped right out there.

It rained lightly during the run, which was really nice. It was only 48 degrees so I wore a light jacket. Ran about 45 mins and felt great.

Yesterday Lynne and I went to the lake in Windsor for our usual Monday afternoon swim. We have a good size group there on Mondays: Todd, Jim, John, Lynne, Marcie, Kevin, and me as the "core group" and then a few others join us from time to time (see pic above). Most everyone else swims the perimeter of the lake and I just swim around the island.

Yesterday I turned a corner in my swimming. I swam around the island comfortably by myself. I wasn't nervous at all. Took my time and focused on my technique.

Got back to the dock and felt good enough to swim some more so i went back toward the island and made a big circle. It doesn't sound like much but it was a huge accomplishment for me.

I'm actually looking forward to swimming the perimeter, which is 1.2 miles (half the distance of the IM swim). Hope to do it soon.

But first, the Greeley tri is this weekend. Plan to bike tomorrow and swim again on Thursday...depending on the weather.

Too tired to write anymore...see what training does to this ol' gal???

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