Sunday, June 28, 2009

Dog tired

Rode 60 miles yesterday and ran for an hour this morning and my legs are dead. Want to ride again tomorrow but not sure I'll be able to walk! May try to eek out 20 slow miles...also planning to swim in the lake tomorrow afternoon.

I am developing a love-hate relationship with this IM training. I love getting into good shape (I've lost about 5 lbs) and enjoy most of the rides and runs but I hate feeling tired all of the time and constantly putting my kids off (no, I can't ride you up to the skateboard park, I'm too tired....or no, mommy's too tired to go to the pool today, she needs to sleep).

I'm thrilled to have the chance to do an Ironman but also very, very ready for it to be over with. And I haven't even gotten to the "hard part" yet!


Unknown said...

You're a nutritionist so you're obviously eating right. Enough protein? Stretching? Soaking? Ice baths? More sleep? Massage? Just suggestions. Listen to your body too. You know all this. Just trying to get you over the hump. I'm proud of you. Maybe that's all I need to say.

Cindy Dallow, PhD, RD said...

Thanks so much, Dan. It means a lot to me!