Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Aint takin' no chances today

We've had three tornado warnings in the last 24 hrs and two big bouts of hail, complete with thunder and lightening and strong winds. And to top it off, yesterday's tornado warning (which, for once, was VERY real), came right at the time I was going to ride or swim. So today, I got my ride in early!

I actually got my act together quickly this AM. The sky was cloudy (again!) but I decided to go for it anyway. Headed out about 6:40 AM and rode as fast as I could toward Windsor. As I weaved my way through Greeley, I worried more and more about getting soaked. But within 30 mins, they started to dissipate - yippee!

I headed out to Windsor on O Street. Not too much traffic but the cars that did go by, were going very fast. I love O Street but wish it had more of a shoulder. I realized that most of the people on the road this early were probably in a hurry to get to work. Better pay attention.

I went through Water Valley and turned around and headed back. Felt pretty good. Kept up a good pace most of the way. When I finally got back to Greeley, I looked at my watch and was shocked: it was almost 9:00! And I had didn't have a babysitter! I had left a note for the kids to call Kurt but I called him and he said he hadn't heard from them. So I pedaled even fast home. Wow, I was gone over 2 hrs!

They were fine - just watching TV. Whew! I'm glad I got the ride in early. Tomorrow I'm running...wish I could swim too....maybe over the noon hour I can slip up to Centennial and get in a quick 1000 yds....

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