Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Trying to Be Positive

Well, I ran 50 mins this morning (very slow) and didn't feel any pain. That is good. However, later on the pain came back with a vengeance. Sigh.

I shouldn't be surprised. After all, it is a strained muscle or something like that. And given how bad it has hurt in the last few months, I shouldn't have expected it to go away quickly.

So, back to PT on Thursday. I was going anyway but I didn't expect to be back at square one. Made an appt with Todd for more "trigger point dry needle therapy" and ultrasound treatment.

I know injuries are common in runners and that training for an Ironman raises the risk even higher. And I know its still early enough that it might heal in time for Arizona (although Boulder is in August and I need to be training for that race NOW). So I'm trying to be positive.

Just disappointed, that's all.

Tomorrow is Master's swim and then on Thursday, I'll do a hard Spinerval workout. Friday I'll swim again and Saturday I'll run 12. No, just kidding...I'll do a slow, wimpy little 4 mile run. BIG sigh.

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