Thursday, April 8, 2010

Have Bike, Will Travel

My kids are on spring break and they've spent almost every minute of it together. They love each other immensely but like any other sibling set, they hate each other immensely too. Today they demonstrated the latter situation quite well.

After oh, maybe the 8th or 9th round of sqabbling I decided that was enough, they either vamoose to their rooms or they will be drop-kicked out the door.

This is one of those times when I can relate to Bill Cosby's famous missive to his oh-so-beloved children: "I brought you into this world and I can take you out!" except with adopted children, you change it to household instead of world (just a little humor, folks, don't take it seriously!).

I love my kids dearly but this was also one of those days that I was GLAD that I had a physical outlet, like running, biking, or swimming.  I needed it desperately today or I was going to strangle two perfectly normal children.

Coupled with the fact that it was going to be sunny and 65 degrees today, I knew I had to get out on my bike. I called my mother to see if her darling grandchildren could come visit for awhile (please, mother dear, please!). She said yes, and before you can say shot blocks, I was out the door, bike in hand, child in the other.

I dropped them off at Grandma's and was on my bike in no time. Ahhhhhhhhh.....yes!  Fresh sky...nothin' but the road and me for 2 solid hours. And a few cement trucks, Ford F-150's, and errant barking dogs...

I rode for 2 hrs. Felt pretty good and enjoyed an awesome view of the front range. Rode north on County Road 33.

Tomorrow I swim and Saturday, I will try running with the group for 6-8 miles. I'll take a Celebrex first and just see how it goes. I think if I keep up short distances until this "angry" tensor fascia lata heals (that's what Todd called it - he said it was mad), then it won't be so hard to start the real IM training program. At least I hope so.  Wish me luck.

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