Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Surprise - A Good Swim!

Wonders never cease, my mother used to say. And today one of those wonders happened at Master's swim practice: I had a really good swim!

It was weird all the way around. I woke with a start at 4:50 AM (I rarely bold anything but this deserves bolding). I got up and felt strangely wide awake. Still, I drank my usual 1.5 cups of coffee and had so much energy, I almost bolted from the couch to get to the pool.

I was in the water by 6:20 and took off like a bat out of you-know-where. Sarah was already there (of course) and we shared a lane. Kurt came in 15 mins later (he rides his bike) and we 3 shared a lane.

I felt strong and swift. Even though I can't keep up with well, anyone, at Master's swim, I still swam fast.  Richard wasn't there but he had emailed Todd the workout so we did it on our own:

Warm-up: 200 free, 200 kick, 200 pull

Main set:
3 x 200's
4 x 100's, alternating choice with free, descending (slow to fast), 30 seconds rest
6 x 50's, breathing every 5th stroke (what was Richard thinking?)
6 x 25's, odds easy, evens fast

I don't remember all the details but this was pretty much it. There was a cool-down kick thing but I couldn't stay that long. Although this was one of the easier workouts that Richard has had us do, I was still happy with how easy it felt for me. I could've easily swam (swum?) longer but just didn't have time (I have to leave by 7:00 to get my kids to school).

All in all, a good workout. Looking forward to swimming outside this summer, both in the pool and at the lake.


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